Springtime Means Allergy Season: Improve Your Indoor Air Quality to Cope

Springtime brings warm weather, sunshine and fresh flowers. It also brings pollen, dust and allergies. Many people associate springtime with sneezing, an itchy nose and irritated eyes. Spending time indoors should be a haven from allergies. If your home’s indoor air quality isn’t much better than the outdoor air quality, you can make some improvements that will help you cope with allergy season.

HEPA Filters and Allergy Relief

One of the most common ways to rid your home of allergens is through a high-efficiency particulate air filter, commonly referred to as a HEPA filter. It is used in heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or HVAC, systems. The HEPA filter is also compatible with whole-home filtration systems, room air filters, dehumidifiers, furnaces and vacuum cleaners. It helps to relieve allergic reactions by removing irritating particles from the air.

How Air Purifiers Work

There are several different air purifying systems available. They remove pollen, dust, pet dander and mold spores from the air, creating an environment that is much less likely to make you sneeze. Dirty air is pulled into the air purifying system. The allergens are removed, and clean air is pushed out into the room. There are different options available with air purifying systems from various manufacturers.

  • Ultraviolet (UV) lamps with germicide kill organisms inside the system that can irritate allergies.
  • Pre-filters remove larger particles as they enter the purifier.
  • Carbon filters capture odors, smoke and dust particles.
  • HEPA filters remove pollen, dust and other allergens.

Indoor Air Quality Remedies

At ACS Absolute Comfort, we offer several HVAC services to help you improve the air quality in your home.

  • Air quality testing
  • HVAC duct cleaning
  • Duct system inspection
  • Installation of air purifiers

Tips to Reduce Allergens

You can lower your exposure and reactions to allergens by following a few tips.

  • Install an indoor air purifier.
  • Don’t allow smoking in your home.
  • Wear a mask outdoors when the pollen count is high.
  • Launder all of your bedding and blankets weekly using hot water.
  • Use HEPA filters in your vacuum cleaner to minimize dust eruptions.
  • Choose low-pile carpets and hard flooring to minimize floating fibers.
  • Check for plumbing leaks, reducing moisture and chances for mold to grow.
  • Limit the number and types of flowering trees, plants and shrubs on your property.
  • Have a family member or a professional mow your lawn and handle landscape maintenance.

To learn more about how ACS Absolute Comfort can help you cope with your allergies by improving your indoor air quality, contact us today.

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